Monday 14 November 2011

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Saturday 5 November 2011

Bus trip to the city

Louise, Kevin and took the bus into the city today. For 15 rupees the bus goes from Gokulam into Mysore city. We planned to see the Palace.
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Bus depot

Homemade soda. There are many street vendors near the bus depot.


Tattoo guy. There was a young boy getting a tattoo when we first walked by. I was too horrified to get my camera out. No needle change in between customers I sure.


We walked to the back gate and found out we couldn't get in that way.


A rickshaw driver offered a quick city tour to see the "Saturday Market" and then would drop us at the front gate of the Palace for 30 rupees.

He took us to a woodwork shop first. They use plastic for the white part of the inlay inlace of ivory.



Next was to an incense shop. At this point we knew he was hoping we would buy stuff and he would get a commission. The incense shop was crazy expensive so we didn't buy anything.


Next was a unexciting market.

Dried fish stand. The smell was unbelievable.


Here are some cute kids outside the market. I usually don't take pictures of children because I dont want to offend the mothers but nobody was looking.


After the unexciting market the driver said he would now take us to the Museum shop and then the Palace. I have already been to the Museum shop and I know they pay drivers commissions. We told him we would not go there and when he realized he would only be getting his offered price of 30 rupees and no commissions he got quiet and just brought us to the Palace. So I think the "Saturday Market" doesn't actually exist he just wanted to take us to shops for his own benefit.

The Palace was beautiful. 200 rupees for foreigners, 20 rupees for Indians.


Temple inside palace gates



Cameras aren't allowed inside the palace but cell phones are. People took pictures with their cell phones. After a few minutes I pulled out my camera and snapped a few, the whole time terrified that I would be caught by palace security and executed on the spot. But I live dangerously. LOL.






There were elephants and camels inside the palace walls for rides. Note the inflated foreigners price.




You can't wear shoes in the palace which meant walking into the camel and elephant enclosure barefoot so no joy ride for me :(

After the palace Kevin and I took a walk around the surrounding area and ended up in Gandhi Square.







Name on a grain of rice!

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Food porn and cute animals

Breakfast at Anohki Garden
Lemon Pie and fruit salad


Dinner at Authana

Chana Batura and a hot chocolate sundae



Marked for slaughter :(. Monday is a Muslim holiday and goats and sheep are sacrificed. I won't be going into the city that day because I wouldn't be surprised if it is a public slaughtering. The goats and sheep are tied up outside from today until Monday. I think we should go to the city late at night and cut all the leashes and set them free.




Cute kitten at the market


Cows being milked on the side of the road


Working cow


Cows eating cucumber peels


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Thursday 3 November 2011

Mysore is Just One Big Petting Zoo

Goats at the Coconut Stand


Waiting for the downtown bus




Blessed Cow


Dog Day Afternoon



Tree Art


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It's raining again. I am pretty sure part of my planning for this trip included checking the weather during October and November and monsoon season is supposed to be over by now. I do not like rain. It was raining on the way to practice this morning, during breakfast and now this afternoon. All I can say is it needs to stop by dinner because I'm not having ramen noodles for dinner and that's all I have here in the apartment. I guess I could kill Kevin and have his bag of Mars bars.

Practice was kind of crappy this morning. I slept bad again and was super tired. I forgot parsvottanasana. I remember that I forgot after I had already done my balancing postures. When you forget a pose you are supposed to go back, do it and then continue on. That would mean doing balancing again. Nope that wasn't going to happen and nobody called me out on skipping the pose so I just plodded along. I only got help in my usual place, mari c & d. I got the assistant that gives really light adjustments. I need the bone crushing assistant or Sharath's magic touch.

After practice it was time for breakfast. The rain forced everyone to grab their food and head indoors to eat. I asked Chris, a guy who works a the cafe who is from Chicago but now lives in Mysore, what else he does besides work at Anokhi Garden. I know he isn't practicing at the shala because he told me he has several injuries. He told me he works at the local ophanage teaching the kids yoga. He said I should check it out. I told him I wasn't vaccinated enough to be near children (for my sake not theirs) and he said all I need to worry about is catching tuberculosis from them. Holy crap now I'm convinced I have tuberculosis. I have been coughing since I got here. Based on the number of mosquito bites I have, I probably have malaria too.

After a failed attempt at a nap I decided to go shopping. I walked down to the rickshaw driver hangout and got Appu to drive me into the city to Rashinkars. They have fabric and can make you clothes or whatever else you want. I spent a crap ton of rupees on various items.

Here is what the city looks like:


Bike shops!



Peanut salesman

No I didnt have any peanuts. I'm not going to crap out my intestines for three days from eating off a dirty peanut cart.

So now while waiting for the rain to stop I decided to try out the incense I bought at the market so if I like it I can buy more because it's really cheap compared to buying it at home. I didn't have an incense holder so I had to make due. (don't judge me on how gross my bathroom looks, the water is really hard or chalky here and even after scrubbing everything has a film over it so I gave up trying to clean it)



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